
Monday, November 19, 2012

Book Review ~ Attorney-Client Privilege by Pamela Samuels Young

I am pleased to say that I am taking part in the above Pump Up Your Book blog tour!  You can click on the picture to go find out more details about the book, the author, and other tour stops.

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*


Title:  "Attorney-Client Privilege"
Series:  Vernetta Henderson Mysteries
Author:  Pamela Samuels Young
Publisher:  Goldman House Publishing
Publication Date:  6/9/2012
Pages:  396
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

A brutal murder, missing documents and an unscrupulous opposing counsel lead attorney Vernetta Henderson on a quest for justice—and ultimately—revenge. The hotshot L.A. lawyer takes on a corporation with a long history of discriminating against women. While Vernetta simply wants justice for her clients, the corporation’s hired gun wants to win . . . and she doesn’t care how. On the home front, Vernetta’s infamous sidekick Special has finally found true love. But is the price more than she’s willing to pay.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I really enjoyed the story told in this book.  I liked the characters and the plot and the mystery kept me guessing.  Even when I thought I had it figured out, I would be surprised again and again.

The story is slowing unveiled the clues and everything fell into place.

I did feel that there was a lot of foul language and detailed sexuality that wasn't necessary for the telling of the story.

Main Characters:

Vernetta Henderson:  Vernetta is a top-notch lawyer who loves a challenge.  She's very intelligent and hard-working with a compassionate heart.
Detective Dean Mankowski:  Detective Mankowski is working a murder case that is tied to Vernetta's class-action lawsuit.

You can see what actors I would pick to play Vernetta and Mankowski in my Dream Cast post HERE.

My Favorite Scene:

My favorite scene is when Olivia is suspended from work for quoting a Scripture to her boss.  Her fellow workers then stage a "sick-out" in protest!  I'd never even heard of a "sick-out" before but I can see how it would be effective.

A Brief Excerpt:

For a lawyer, standing on the courthouse steps following a big victory, fielding questions from reporters is akin to having your moment on the red carpet.  You smile humbly and talk eloquently about justice and the importance of the jury system.
But when you lose, it's like showing up for a public stoning.
Page 33

The Cover:

I think this cover shows the power and prestige that Vernetta carries with her.  She is feminine and yet all business when she needs to be.

Other Notes:

-There was a lot of vulgar language in this book.

-This is definitely a main stream book with an abundance of  adult situations and sexuality.




Pump Up Your Book and Pamela Samuels Young are teaming up to give you a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


On to the next book,

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