
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway ~ The Memory Jar by Tricia Goyer 5/5!

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I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review as part of a Litfuse Publicity Blog Tour.  To see more about the book, author, and other reviews please click HERE.


Title:  "The Memory Jar"
Series:  Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors Book 1
Author:  Tricia Goyer
Publisher:  Zondervan
Publication Date:  10/23/2012
Pages:  352
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

Every year, 30-40 young Amish men descend on the cozy little town of West Kootenai, Montana, arriving in the spring to live there for six months and receive 'resident' status for the hunting season in the fall. They arrive as bachelors, but go home with brides

Sarah Shelter has lived in West Kootenai for the last ten years and wonders if she will ever fall in love. Since the tragic death of her best friend, she carries her memories in a jar along with the small items connected to them. For just as long, she's also been carrying around her emotions instead of allowing them to penetrate deep into her heart. Now she's met a kind and gentle man who may be able to break down the wall. But can Sarah risk her heart to finally achieve her dreams?

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I haven't been reading very many Amish books lately but I couldn't pass up the reference to "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers", one of my very favorite movies.  And when I saw that this was the very first book in the series, I was so excited!

The Amish of West Kootenai are very laid back but remain steadfast in their faith.  I really enjoyed reading about an atypical setting for an Amish story.  This book was one of the best in the genre that I've read!

Main Characters:

Sarah Shelter:  Sarah has never recovered from the horrifying loss of her best friend.  She goes on with life as best she can by serving others.  She is a baker and loves making cupcakes the most and dreams of owning her own bakery.  She is reaching the age of "spinsterhood" and is losing the hope of ever having her own family and home.

Jathan Schrock:  Jathan travels from his traditional Amish town in Ohio to West Kootanai.  On the surface, he is there for the hunting but he is really fighting an inner battle of whether to obey his father's plan for the future or fight for his own dreams.

Patty Litwiller:  Even though Patty is only "alive" in the prologue, her influence in Sarah's life is long-lasting.  Patty taught Sarah to love life and look at the world around her and see the joy.  She is never far from Sarah's thoughts and memories.

My Favorite Scene:

Some of my favorite scenes were when Sarah is remembering her times with Patty as they grew up together.  Each memory is represented by an object in their Memory Jars.  I loved reading the stories behind each item that had been collected.

A Brief Excerpt:

Instinctively, Sarah's arms went around Jathan's neck.  Her cheek was just slightly lower than his chin and she felt his warm breath on her face.  She couldn't remember the last time she'd been carried.  Maybe when she was a toddler in Dat's arms.  This was completley different.
Page 117

The Cover:

I love the brightness of this cover.  Jathan's eyes are on Sarah while Sarah's eyes are on her memories.  This is very symbolic.

Other Notes:

I got so frustrated with Jathan sometimes!  I wanted to smack him in the head!

I used this book in my "Dream Cast post.  You can see who I would cast for Sarah and Jathan HERE.




Now, for the giveaway!

To enter for a chance to win my review copy of this book:

*Mandatory-  Please leave a comment telling me about a keepsake that you cherish or what you like about starting a new series.
*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a comment telling me you do :)

The giveaway will run until November 13, 2012 at 11:59pm.  The winner will be announced on November 14th.


On to the next book,


  1. This book looks great! I love starting a new series because it is always fun to find a new author and a new set of characters to read about. :)

  2. I have a small ceramic box that belonged to my mother. I remember it always being on her dresser.
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  3. follow your blog
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  4. i have my mom's wedding ring...

    i'm a follower, too

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  5. I have a 3 little birds that belonged to my Mom.

    I'm a follower.

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  6. A keepsake that I cherish is My Grandma's Bible.


  7. I am following on GFC as Tia


  8. I have a toy cat that belonged to my sister
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com


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