
Friday, November 9, 2012

Book Blogger Hop ~ Buy the Cover?~ 11/9/12



Book Blogger Hop

This week the BBH is being hosted by The Fake Steph.

Q.  Is there a book series that you're not totally into, but still keep buying new releases because you love the covers?

Nope.  I hardly EVER buy books unless it is a series or author that I absolutely love.  I don't think I've ever bought a book just because of the cover.  The premise also has to intrigue me in order to take the plunge.

Plus, I keep very few books so it really wouldn't "pay" for me to buy a book just for the cover.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Good answer....makes sense.

    I normally do not read a series but covers draw me in.

    Happy Hopping!! Stop by for my answer if you like.

    Silver's Reviews


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