
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wishing and Waiting ~ 10/24/12

These are two books, one released, one un-released that I can't wait to get my book-loving hands on!


 Wishlist Wednesday is hosted by Pen to Paper 
spotlights a book that has already been released and I can't wait to get my hands on.

Heart of Gold

"Heart of Gold"
Author:  Robin Lee Hatcher
Published:  2/14/2012
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Position on PBS:  #17 
Against Shannon's wishes, love stakes its claim in her heart. Will she discover treasure or treachery?

In 1864, Shannon Adair dutifully accompanies her minister father to his new church in the gold rush town of Grand Coeur, in the Idaho Territory, but she secretly burns with resentment that she cannot remain in Virginia to support the Confederacy in its fight against the Northern aggressors. Shannon, who rejects her father’s belief that there is right and wrong on both sides of the war, hates everyone who does not stand wholeheartedly with the south. Despite her antagonism, Shannon agrees to nurse Alice Jackson, the ailing widow of a Yankee soldier. It soon becomes clear that Alice is dying and that her son, Todd, will be left in the care of her older brother, Matthew Dubois, a wanderer who loves his job as a driver for Wells Fargo.

This gentle and well-written story of the Old West proves, once again, why Hatcher’s novels are beloved by so many readers. Shannon and Matthew are likeable characters who come from such different worlds that it doesn’t seem possible for them to ever find happiness together—until a band of Confederate outlaws unwittingly gives them the opportunity to test their faith and their love. Recommended for all those who enjoy inspirational romance.


WOW hosted by Breaking the Spine spotlights
an up-coming release that I'm eagerly anticipating.

Every Perfect Gift

"Every Perfect Gift"
Series:  A Hickory Ridge Romance
Author:  Dorothy Love
Release Date:  12/4/2012
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Sophie has spent a lifetime guarding her heart and a long-held secret. It will take all of her courage to speak the truth and embrace the future God has planned for her.

The year is 1886, and Sophie Robillard returns to Hickory Ridge, Tennessee, after living in Texas for 15 years as the ward of Ada and Wyatt Caldwell. Now that the town's population has exploded, her intention is to reopen the long-defunct newspaper office that so captivated her when she was still an orphan. The rejection she experienced as a child because of her mixed parentage has left deep scars that she hopes can be healed by succeeding in this new venture.

Ethan Heyward was uprooted from his home as a boy following an unspeakable tragedy. Horace Blakely, a millionaire businessman, took Ethan under his wing and eventually put him in charge of the construction and opening of Blue Smoke resort in Hickory Ridge.

They meet when Sophie arrives at Blue Smoke to interview Ethan for her newspaper. As their attraction deepens, each hides a secret that, if revealed, could end their relationship.
Wishing and Waiting until next Wednesday,

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of either of these books before good choice thanks for sharing.


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