
Friday, October 19, 2012

What's New With You ~ 10/19/12

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Here's what's new with me this week:

...First I would tell you that I feel blah today.  Just blah.  If I still had a uterus I think it would be that time of the month.  I kept my ovaries so I still have the hormones to deal with.  Sorry, TMI!!

...The girls are home from school today for a Teacher In-Service day.  They took full advantage of staying up late last night and sleeping in this morning.  I also slept in which might have something to do with me feeling blah.  Now I'm hitting the Dr. Pepper to try to get some motivation.

...Speaking of my surgery, it has officially been 6 weeks!  Yay!  I'm feeling great and have started upping my walking distance.  I started with 1 mile for a few days, then 1.5 miles and now I'm at 2 miles.  If I could just get my eating under control.  Stupid sweet tooth!

...Last Saturday my cousin, Steph, played in a 3-on-3 basketball competition.  It was organized by a local girl for her senior project.  All the proceeds went to Make-A-Wish Foundation.  It was a lot of fun to watch Steph play.  It had been a while since she had played any sort of competitive sport and she said it was a wake-up call.  I told her I get those wake-up calls too, but I just hit the snooze!

...I can't believe I'm typing this but I read my first Christmas book of the year already!  It is called "A Merry Little Christmas" by Anita Higman.  My review is due October 30 or I probably wouldn't have read it so soon.  It happened to be the book I was reading for Dream Cast Thursday.  Here's who I picked to star in the movie:

Ginnifer Goodwin

Greg Kinnear

...Oh!  I reached 800 followers just yesterday!  So exciting!

...I'm having a giveaway for a 365 day devotion by Joanna Weaver called "At the Feet of Jesus".  We studied "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" at a women's seminar a few years ago.  Click on the book to go enter:

 ...I've been thinking about my Christmas list lately.  Mostly due to reading a Christmas book already!  Anyway, a Goodreads friend gave me a link to a very interesting idea called "The Jesus Gifts".  The idea is to give 4 gifts that represent the gifts that Jesus received.  I think we're going to do this for the girls this year.  There is a little poem to go along with the gifts to make sure your kids realize the significance:
Gold, we give a gift of enduring worth
Frankincense, a prayer reaching God above
Myrrh, all the wonders of life on earth
Swaddling Clothes, surrounded in your parent's love

...And last, I've been having fun this week with another of my book giveaways.  The main character in the book is in the Witness Protection program and had to change her name from Deidre to Annalise.  As part of the entry, I'm asking for the participants to tell me what they would change their name to.  So fun!  They've said everything from Bunny Snow and Princess Carabo to Haylee and Alexis.  So, I've been trying to think of what my alias would be.  It is just too hard!  So, tell me.  What would your Witness Protection name be?

So, how was your week?  What's new with you?


  1. I'm reading You Don't Know Me! That's a really fun idea to have people pick their witness protection name! I think I'd pick Eden Hope. I don't know why but I love that name!

  2. Congrats on 800 followers (well, over that now!)

    Hmm, as for my WP name...I'd have to go with Rebecca. It's what I always used at my old job instead of giving my real name to angry customers. Ha!

  3. Oh dear friend .. I hope you feel better soon! this damp rainy weather does not help. ~ OK as a friend I'm going to say it "Step away from the Dr. Pepper" lol... the sugar will only make you crash harder later in the day.

    What a fabulous idea "The Jesus Gifts". It always shocks me - when children are asked why we celebrate Christmas - they more often than not answer Santa or presents.

    Happy week-end! xo C. (HHL)

  4. Congrats on 800 followers! And I'm happy that you're recovering nicely! Have a great week!


  5. 800, wow! Congratulations!
    I think I would rename myself Elizabeth. :)
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com


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