
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Movie Night Link-up, Anyone?????

This is basically a feeler post to see if anyone would be interested in taking part in a weekly link-up discussing movie recommendations or (warnings!).
At our house, we try to have a weekly Family Movie Night at least once a week.  It is a wonderful time spent together as a family.  Sometimes, the hubby and I will get a movie to watch after the kids go to bed.  Every once in a blue moon, we'll actually hit the theater!
What I have in mind for this link-up is a Thursday post that recommends movies for the upcoming weekend.  It can be any genre, but nothing erotic, please!  You don't have to post yours on Thursday.   You can link-up from any day.
You can post about a movie you've seen recently, one you want to see, or even a classic that you think everyone should watch.  You could include your thoughts, likes, dislikes, target audiences, age appropriateness, rating etc.
If this would be something you would like to participate in, leave me a comment so I can get a feel for the interest.
Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions, I'd love to hear them :)

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