
Monday, October 22, 2012

Listicles ~ Costumes ~ 10/22/12

"10 Costumes From the Past"

This was really hard.  I could not for the life of me remember 10 costumes from when I was young.  I even called my Mom and we racked our brains but could only remember 8.  So the last two I'm throwing in we're actually Christmas play costumes :)

1.  Pocahontas

2.  Angel

3.  Tiger

4.  Raggedy Ann

5.  Cat

6.  Wonder Woman

7.  Strawberry Shortcake

8.  Cheerleader with my Aunt's pompoms

9.  Lamb (Manger scene)

10.  Doll (toy store)

It was fun reminiscing with my Mom about the past.  She even dug out the old albums!  I remember my brother being Popeye, my cousin Eric being a hobo, my cousin Brian being a lion and my cousin Steph being a Punk Rocker (crimped hair and all)!

Happy Monday!


  1. Raggedy Ann is a great one! Fun that you pulled your Mom into this!

  2. I was Wonder Woman one year too, complete with one of those plastic masks with elastic that left marks and make you sweat your face off.

    Ahh...the memories!

  3. Strawberry Shortcake! I want to be Strawberry Shortcake this year! How awesome!

    Hopped over from the Monday Listicles.


  4. Looking back and being able to pull out old albums is so much fun! I was mini mouse one year and I remember being a clown. Now? I think clowns are creepy and I don't like even the happy faced ones!

  5. I am so glad you got to sit down with mom and think about your halloweens. Popeye and Olive would be my first choice as a couple costume for sure.

  6. Wonder Woman always rocks! You know, I can't remember all of my costumes either. I'm glad you got to reminisce. Ellen

  7. Aww Raggedy Character sounds adorable!

  8. I can remember only one of my Halloween costumes, and it was my last one (in junior high--I went as a baby). My parents didn't take any photos of us from Halloween, so that doesn't help either! I'm impressed you can remember this many.

  9. Thinking back, I can't remember all my costumes either, just the ones my mom made us LOL Strawberry Shortcake is a good one though!

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