
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Book Review: Three Times Blessed by Lori Copeland

Three Times Blessed (Belles of Timber Creek, Book 2)

*I received this book from .*

Title:  "Three Times Blessed"
Series:  Belles of Timber Creek Book 2
Author:  Lori Copeland
Publisher:  Avon Inspire
Publication Date:  5/5/2009
Pages:  288
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description (Goodreads):

How will Audrey and her fellow schoolmarms stay afloat when a flood threatens their small Texas town?

Typically, Thunder Ridge, Texas, is dry as a bone. But Audrey Pride has arrived under a storm cloud, one that is deluging the shocked community with weeks of relentless, drenching rain. With travel in and out of town rendered impossible, there is much important work for her to do--especially when an epidemic of violent illness, originating from a stranded wagon train, spreads rapidly throughout Thunder Ridge. Caring for the sick is consuming Audrey's every waking hour...yet her thoughts keep returning to the attractive widower Eli Gray.

Eli has long been haunted by the fact that he was away at war when his beloved wife died in childbirth. Little by little, however, he is opening his heart again. Now, as their town sags under the crushing weight of water and disease, Audrey and Eli will need to depend on each other in ways they never imagined possible.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

Being the second book in a series, I tend to compare it to the first book which I really enjoyed.  I enjoyed this book slightly less because the author went from telling the story from multiple POVs in the first book to only telling the story from one person's POV.  I felt that a bit odd.  I like to read events form both love-interests' POVs, so I missed that in this book.

The job Audrey ends up taking bothered me a bit, as it did her.  I see the profession in a totally different light now.  I guess it is all a matter of prospective.

I really enjoyed reading more about the characters I already got to know in Book 1 as well as some new characters.

It does seem like trouble follows the Belles of Timber Creek wherever they go and there is one tragedy after another!

My Favorite Character:

Tate, Eli's young son, was my favorite character.  He cracked me up.  He got powerful craving for something sweet.  I can relate :)

My Favorite Scene:

After weeks of rain the sun finally came out and the adults joined little Tate in a grasshopper catching competition.

My Favorite Sentence/Paragraph:

She bounded down the steps and raced around the house to where Tate was playing.  A grasshopper flew past, and her feet automatically gave chase.  A light breeze ruffled her hair and tugged at her skirt.  She laughed at Tate's surprised expression.
Page 180

It Would Have Been Better If:

I started to wonder just how many times Audrey could accidentally bump into Eli while running around town in the rain with a tarp over her head.  I mean literally "bump" into him and he had to catch her in hear arms.  I should have counted.

I Would Recommend This Book To:

Soldiers, best friends, survivors, teachers, morticians, make-up artists, widows, widowers, rainy day readers, Lori Copeland fans.



On to the next book,

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