
Friday, October 5, 2012

Book Review: One True Love by Lori Copeland

One True Love (Belles of Timber Creek, Book #3)

*I received this book from .*

Title:  "One True Love"
Series:  Belles of Timber Creek Book 3
Author:  Lori Copeland
Publisher:  Avon Inspire
Publication Date:  3/2/2010
Pages:  256
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description (Goodreads):

Copper is overjoyed that her friends Willow and Audrey found love and fulfillment after the war. The only remaining spinster, Copper vows to pour herself into her new teaching job. But tragedy strikes during her very first week. The schoolhouse catches fire and Copper suffers a serious injury while ushering her students to safety. Suddenly she's on a wagon train bound for Colorado to see the only doctor who can help her walk again.

Ever since the wagon train pulled into town, Copper butted heads with wagon master Josh Redlin--and now she must depend on him for her very life. But as Copper is forced to count on others for life's basic needs, she starts to surrender...and let her guard down around the one man whom she's despised for so long. Could it be that the very person that drives her crazy is the one she truly needs?

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I think this was my favorite book of the series.  Maybe because Copper had the limelight without having her two friends take up a portion of the action.  For whatever reason, I felt that I was able to connect more with the main characters.  Even though this book was only from Copper's POV, I still felt drawn into Josh's character also.  And what a character he was :)

Following the themes of the first two books, this book had some majorly heart wrenching scenes but it was balances nicely with other events.

My Favorite Character:

Josh Redlin, Wagon Master, was my favorite character.  He came to Thunder Ridge in book 2 of the series and I had already fallen for him a bit.  Getting to know him and his character better only increased my smittenness :)

My Favorite Scene:

I really like the scenes at the end of the long days on the trail when Josh would come sit with Copper at the campfire and they would talk.  I've always loved a good campfire.

My Favorite Sentence/Paragraph:

"Wait."  She opened the small drawer in her bedside table and removed a pair of scissors.  Snipping a lock of her hair, she put the token in an envelope and sealed it, and then slipped it into his shirt pocket.  "So that you'll always remember me."

He chuckled.  "I'll always remember you, Copper Wilson."
Page 191

It Would Have Been Better If:

 I thought Copper moved around a lot considering the extent of her injury.  It was a bit unrealistic but didn't really detract from the book.

I Would Recommend This Book To:

Doctors, nurses, western lovers, best friends, survivors, teachers, road-trippers, campers, Lori Copeland fans.



On to the next book,


  1. It seems like you read a lot of the same authors that I do , love this one and dont think I have read it so will have to look for it at the library.
    I hope you are feeling stronger each day and those little munchkins of yours are helping you.
    It has been a beautiful day in Ga as I hope yours has been.
    Paula O

  2. It seems like you read a lot of the same authors that I do , love this one and dont think I have read it so will have to look for it at the library. I hope you are feeling stronger each day and those little munchkins of yours are helping you. It has been a beautiful day in Ga as I hope yours has been. Paula O


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