
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Book Review ~ LFYI Prince Edward Island Canada by Susan Page Davis

Love Finds You in Prince Edward Island, Canada

*I received this book from .*

Title:  "LFYI Prince Edward Island Canada"
Series:  Love Finds You In
Author:  Susan Page Davis
Publisher:  Summerside Press
Publication Date:  4/1/2011
Pages:  320
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

In the summer of 1860, Prince Edward Island's inhabitants eagerly await their first visit from a British royal. Molly Orland is too poor to be invited to the ball in honor of the young Prince of Wales, but she is pleased to serve as a maid in the house where he will be a guest. There she meets Peter Stark, under-steward for the royal party.

Peter is attracted to the beauty of the island and to Molly, whom he's determined to shield from the antics of the playboy prince. When they discover a long-buried secret that could bring shame to Peter's royal employer, will he remain a loyal servant or help Molly's family get the justice they deserve?

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

This was a nice, sweet story of two people who are very different yet very alike.  This book was an easy read with princes, dukes, earls, farm-girls and a few Cinderella moments.

I enjoyed learning more about Prince Edward Island as really didn't know anything about it before.  As I've said in other reviews, I love when a book makes me want to do research to learn more about a certain subject.

Main Characters:

Molly Orland:  Molly has lived on the family farm her entire life.  When her father is injured, she takes a job as a maid to earn extra income to help her family make ends meet.  She is used to being an independent person and not a servant.
Peter Stark:  Peter travels to PEI as an assistant to the Earl of Washburn.  The Earl is actually Peter's uncle but can't acknowledge him as such without causing a scandal.  Peter grew up fighting to make good life for his mother and isn't used to being around aristocracy, let alone a prince.

One of My Favorite Scenes:

I loved the scene when Molly is trying to return the borrowed top hat and suit coat to Peter.  She has to be super-stealthy and make her way through the Governor's house to Peter's room and back down to the servants area without getting caught.

A Brief Excerpt:

Molly's chest ached.  Go to work at the governor's house, among strangers?  She would have people critically watching everything she did.  And would others look down on her if she became a servant?  But if this was the one thing she could do that would most help the family in this time of need, of course she would do it. 
Page 18

It Would Have Been Better If:

There ends up being a "connection" between Peter and Molly.  I would have rathered it be a bit more distant.

The Cover:

The cover is beautifully sweet.  I love the water breaking along the rocks.  The dress Molly is wearing is just as described in the book which is a big deal for me.



On to the next book,

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