
Friday, October 26, 2012

Book Blogger Hop ~ Favorite Blogs ~ 10/26/12



Book Blogger Hop

This week the BBH is being hosted by Knitting and Sundries.

Q.  What are three of your favorite book blogs and/or communities? Why do you like them?

This question just is too hard and not fair!  lol

Well, first, I love Goodreads!  I've just started really utilizing it daily for the past few months and it is an excellent resource for tracking and community.

Second, I'll go with Miz B at Should Be Reading.  She hosts Musing Monday and Teaser Tuesday which are both awesome!

Third, I'll say is Kathy's I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.  She hosts the most amazing book giveaway hops and I have made so many new friends through them!

It doesn't seem fair to stop at three because I follow and love so many other book blogs.  I love you all!  Thanks for being my friends :)
Have a great day!


  1. I agree....ALL BLOGGERS are AWESOME.

    Great answer.

    The link to my answer is below.

    Silver's Reviews

  2. I will have to check out the second blog you mentioned. I love the other two suggestions too and
    your baby hats on the sidebar are adorable!

  3. Those 3 blogs are among my favorites too - but I have tons of faves :-)


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