
Monday, September 17, 2012

LIsticles ~ Happy Anniversary Babe! ~ 9/17/12

I am so excited about this week's theme "10 Things Wedding" because today just happens to be mine and the hubby's:

 12th Wedding Anniversary!!!!

Whoot, whoot!

"Top 10 Reasons I Married My Man"

1.  Wuv, Twue Wuv!  (Shout out to one of my favorite movies of all time: "The Princess Bride"!)

2.  His sweet, velvety kisses....sigh...

3.  His chocolate brown eyes...swoon....

4.  He treated me like a queen.  (And still does.)

5.  He lived 3 hours away and I only got to see him on the weekends.  So sad...

6.  I was miserable when we were apart.  (Just ask my parents about the phone bill.)

7.  I knew he'd be a great dad.  (And I was right!)

8.  I don't believe in pre-marital sex and it was just getting plain too hard to resist!  lol

9.  I wanted to be with him forever.  (And still do!)

10.  I knew deep down in my heart that God had picked him out just for me.

Now I feel all sappy and gooey inside :)

And for your viewing pleasure:

Happy Anniversary, Babe!


  1. What a sweet list and I LOVE princess bride! I'm a new follower from Thee Networking Blog Hop, and I'd love a follow back at when you get the chance! :)

  2. Aw! Happy Anniversary. All great reasons to tie the knot. ;-)

  3. Happy anniversary! What a wonderful piece of synchronicity!

  4. Sappy and gooey is good!!! And I ADORE the Princess Bride!

  5. You had me at the Princess Bride! :) Great list!

  6. I love that he still treats you like a queen, but I might love that you quoted Princess Bride more.

  7. Swoon may be the best word ever! Congratulations on your anniversary.

  8. I love happy endings. Or happy beginnings, like yours. Here is to many, many, many more!! Happy Anniversary.


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