
Friday, September 21, 2012

Highlander Giveaway Hop ~ Ends 9/27/12

I couldn't resist signing up for the "Highlander Giveaway Hop".  Who doesn't love a good book set in Scotland?

As promised in my review a few days ago, you can win my review copy of the following: 

The Lure of Shapinsay
"The Lure of Shapinsay" by Krista Holle
(You can see my review HERE.)

To enter the giveaway:

*Mandatory-  Leave a comment telling me what you like most about reading a Highland book.

*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a comment telling that you do :)

The giveaway will run until 11:59pm EST, September 27, 2012.  The winner will be announced on September 28th.

For more chances to win great bookishness,
check out these other giveaway hoppers :


  1. Great giveaway! Thank you for participating in the hop!

  2. I would like to thank you for a fantastic book giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing! Thank you for an honest and insightful review. This book sounds truly origional and facinating.

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
    GFC Follower: lfountain1

  3. My family roots are in the Highlands and love reading every Highland romance I can get hold of. There's just something about the brogue and the kilt, and the ruggedness of the land and the people!

    I'm following your blog!

  4. I like Highlanders because they are warriors, whose duty and honor is to protect their people. Yes, they are sexy and most of the time they find love, but the history drives me in the most. From what I've heard, Scotland is a beautiful place. Scenery descriptions and a nice brogue settle me into a great adventure every time.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)
    I joined your blog through GFC.

    -Diva J.
    diva jefferson AT gmail DOT com

  5. I love Highlander books because they're great escapism. Who can resist a man in a kilt with a sexy accent?
    Email: smhparent at hotmail dot com

  6. I follow on GFC as ParentingAuthor.
    Email: smhparent at hotmail dot com

  7. What I love most about Highlander books is the setting- the history, keeps, moors...

  8. I love highlanders, because of the accent, the kilt, the muscles, the inbred need to protect, and to top it all off, I love them because of where they live...Scotland. The castles look fantastic and the country is gorgeous.

  9. I reading about highlanders cause they are sexy, strong, exciting. I enjoy hearing about the land and the heritage also. Thanks for being part of the blog hop. I am a new GFC follower.
    Sue B

  10. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure why I like highlander books. I think its for the same reason I like westerns- rugged individuality and fierceness, beautiful harsh lands, duty and honor of the people, warrior spirit?

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
    GFC: Sophia Rose

  11. I love the scenic backgrounds, but the kilts and hunky men really hold their own :)

    wendyhines at hotmail dot com

  12. Have read time travel books back to early Scots
    time. Would love to snag some sweet swag Scots books
    Great review, I also like myths and legends, too.

  13. I feel like the men are always powerful and loyal and close to those they love~ I love those things the most! Thank you for the chance to win :)

  14. Of course I already follow your blog :) GFC: Misha

  15. I don't think that I have ever read one.

    bookaholicholly @ gmail .com

  16. GFC: Holly Letson

    bookaholicholly @ gmail . com

    I follow you.

  17. The strong masculinity and possessiveness.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  18. I follow on gfc-magic5905
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  19. GFC follower-Teresa Thompson

  20. I absolutely love the time period and the men in kilts!

  21. I love escaping into a story and if there's a hunky highlander all the better! I'm following you- under my name. :)

    kmnbooks @ yahoo . com (email)


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