
Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Favorite Things ~ 9/21/12

friday favorite things | finding joy
"Intentionally seeing the beauty."
Highlights from the past week:


1.  Our 12th Anniversary was on Monday!  The hubby got me flowers and a card that says I still "Rock!".  We didn't get to go anywhere or do anything super special yet but we will :)


2.  I reached 700 followers!  woohooo!


3. Laken cheered at her first game on Tuesday evening!   She got her "uniform" and a pretty bow for her hair.  With her knee high socks that say "Cheer" on them she is so cute.  She is one of the youngest on the squad and is still a bit unsure of herself.  At least at the game.  At home she runs around the house cheering all day.  Pictures to come!

4. So far this school year, Kaylee has gotten all 100%'s in all subjects!  I'm so proud of my girl :)


5.  I was just telling my Mom how I laughed like a hyena at a scene in the book "Austenland" by Shannon Hale.  It struck me as hilarious and I laid in bed and howled for 5 minutes straight!  To read the scene, go check out my book review :)

6.  I haven't shown any pictures of my favorite baby boy, Dex, in a while.  Wednesday at Bible Study, Doug and I got a chance to hold him and play.  He is really into bowls and water bottles right now.  No need for fancy shmancy toys!


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Intentionally seeing the beauty!

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