
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Favorite Things ~ 9/14/12

friday favorite things | finding joy
"Intentionally seeing the beauty."
Highlights from the past week:


1.  One of the very best things to happen this week was getting the staples at the TAH incision removed.  Sigh.....  So much better!  Still sore but those staples had TO GO!

2.  The next highlight happened at the same appointment as the staple removal.  It was a two-fer!  My pathology report was back already which was a surprise.  The excellent, wonderful, blessed news is that the results were CLEAN!!!  No worries!

3. Laken started Kindergarten 3 weeks ago.  Our school has a Pee-Wee Pep Squad for grades K-8.  Laken has wanted to be a cheerleader from the day I told her about it.  She finally had her first practice on Monday and then again on Wednesday.  She is so darn cute!

 tick, tick, tick, tick, BOOM!  Dynamite! 

I can't wait to see all the girls in their uniforms out on the field.  Monday is the first game.  I can't wait to take some pictures!


4. After being couped up first in the hospital and now in the house, I ventured to Bible Study Wednesday evening.  It felt so good to be around people again.  I missed 1.5 weeks of Church activities and was starting to feel myself wither.  By the end, I was exhausted and ready to go home but I am so glad I made it :)


5. One of the benefits of having to rest alot while the kids are in school and Doug is sleeping (he's working 3rd shift) is that I've had a lot of time this week to watch chick-flicks.  I'll leave you with a trailer of a movie I watched and actually had to hold a pillow against my stomach because I was laughing.  It felt good to laugh even though it hurt! 

Warning:  there is a bad word at the very end.


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Intentionally seeing the beauty!

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