
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Book Review: Fruit of My Spirit by Deanna Nowadnick

Fruit of My Spirit

*I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.*

Title:  Fruit of My Spirit
Series:  N/A
Author:  Deanna Nowadnick
Publisher:  Rhododendron Books
Publication Date:  1/6/2012
Pages:  114
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description (Goodreads):

Fruit of My Spirit is a memoir of missteps and misdeeds in which Deanna Nowadnick writes of the hugeness of God’s love and faithfulness. Reframing life in God’s grace, she discovers an indescribable, indefinable, inexplicable love that has encircled her without fail throughout life. Fruit of My Spirit is for anyone who’s ever questioned God’s ability to love and forgive, who’s ever wondered about their place in God’s family or God’s place in theirs. Deanna offers hope for those who dare to question, who secretly wonder, and who fear to ask. Through stories of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, you will experience the enormity of God, too.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I enjoyed the brutally honest stories the author tells about her journey toward growing in the Fruit of the Spirit.  I enjoyed her writing style and humor.

My Favorite Character:

She's not really a character but the author, Deanna, somehow manages to be critical of herself and yet at the same time learn to realize Christ's compassion and forgiveness for her shortcomings.

My Favorite Scene:

I loved her chapter about camping and growing in Peace!

My Favorite Sentence/Paragraph:

"I hated camping as a child and as a young person and had I gone camping as an adult, I would have hated it then, too.  My outdoor experiences were commensurate with torture, a reflection that is only slightly exaggerated.  I just never understood the joy of sitting on a log for hours on end with my hair smelling of smoke from a campfire."

Page 23

It Would Have Been Better If:

There were a few parts of the book that didn't make complete sense to me.  The stories told weren't really about the subject at hand.  There was at least one paragraph that seemed like it had been cut and pasted in the wrong place, it was that strange.

I Would Recommend This Book To:

Daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, people who play a musical instrument, camping haters, chocolate lovers, and perfectly imperfect women.



On to the next book,

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