
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Book Review: "Austenland" by Shannon Hale 5/5!


*I received this book from .*

Title:  "Austenland"
Series:  Austenland Series Book 1
Author:  Shannon Hale
Publisher:  Bloomsbury
Publication Date:  5/27/2008
Pages:  208
Buy From Amazon:  HERE

Book Description (Goodreads):

Jane is a young New York woman who can never seem to find the right man—perhaps because of her secret obsession with Mr. Darcy, as played by Colin Firth in the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. When a wealthy relative bequeaths her a trip to an English resort catering to Austen-obsessed women, however, Jane’s fantasies of meeting the perfect Regency-era gentleman suddenly become more real than she ever could have imagined. Is this total immersion in a fake Austenland enough to make Jane kick the Austen obsession for good, or could all her dreams actually culminate in a Mr. Darcy of her own?

  My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I absolutely LOVED this book!  It was so fun, entertaining, amusing and sucked me in.  I read it almost all in one sitting until I got too tired to keep my eyes open.

This is one of my top fan fiction favorites.  Say that 10 times fast!

My Favorite Character:

Jane was my favorite character.   She was funny, snarky, witty, and her thoughts and actions were so "real".  She would be the kind of person I'd like to be friends with.

My Favorite Scene:

Without a doubt my favorite scene was when Mr. Nobley startles Jane in the dark while she is out "spying" on one of the "servants".

I literally about busted a gut laughing!  It was good thing that it was late at night, the kids were in bed and the hubby was at work or they would have thought I was crazy!

My Favorite Sentence/Paragraph:

"What are you doing?"

"Ya!" said Jane, whirling around, her hands held up menacingly.

It was Mr. Nobley with coat, hat, and cane, watching her with wide eyes.  Jane took several quick (but oh so casual) steps away from Martin's window.

"Um, did I just say 'Ya'?"

"You just said 'Ya,'" he confirmed.  "If I am not mistaken, it was a battle cry, warning that you were about to attack me."

"I, uh...."  She stopped to laugh.  "I wasn't aware until this precise and awkward moment that when startled in a strange place, my instincts would have me pretend to be ninja."

  Page 81

It Would Have Been Better If:

I really can't think of much that would have made this book better.  Although I enjoyed that it was a quick read, I also was sad to see it end.

Lucky for me, the second book "Midnight in Austenland" has been released.  I might have to break my no-buying ban and order it.

I Would Recommend This Book To:

Austen lovers, regency buffs, those into fashion and/or history, actors, artists, anyone who has ever day-dreamed of Mr. Darcy :)  sigh....



On to the next book,

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