
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bloggiesta Fall 2012 ~ My Goals

Bloggiesta is back!

The Fall 2012 Bloggiesta will be taking place this weekend, Fri-Sun, September 28, 29 and 20th.

You can click on the logo above to head over to There's a Book to see what's happening!

My Bloggiesta Goals:

-To finish my "Archive" button by typing up my "Books Read by Author.

-Clean up my GFC list.

-I'd like a new header.  I have a few ideas and inquiries out.  Do more research.

-Participate in mini-challenges

-Learn how to be a better blogger ;)

This is my first time participating in Bloggiesta and I'm looking forward to a fun-filled weekend!


  1. Have fun participating in your first Bloggiesta - I love these weekends. I always get a lot done and feel really energized about blogging. Plus, I usually end up with a completely new list of things I want to do after visiting everyone else's blog.

    Hope you have a productive weekend!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  2. Have fun on your first bloggiesta. I always get a lot done and come away with new ideas about blogging.

  3. Hope you enjoy your first Bloggiesta! I always learn so much and meet so many awesome new bloggers! Enjoy!

    Alexia's Books and Such...

  4. That's a great to-do list for a first-time participant in Bloggiesta. The weekend is great for sprucing up your blog, but I think even better it fuels the creative fire for blogging and it helps you meet some great new blogging friends. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Hope you're enjoying the weekend! It can be overwhelming, but I always leave with my mind spinning with new ideas and plans, even if I don't get them all done right away. Good luck!


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