
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tunes & TV ~ Harper Valley/Suits/Dallas ~8/28/12

A post to combine my love of tv/movies and music :)
With today being the first day of school for my kids, I wanted to find a song that was "school-y".  
"Harper Valley PTA" is the first one that came to mind.  Does that say something?  I remember hearing this song when I was little and my Mom and Aunt Donna would sing along.  And, common, just try not to sway a bit!  lol
This is also "old-school".  Corny, I know.


It is an off-week for the "On Your Screen Link-up",
so you get some of my random TV thoughts!

I want to talk about a few of my favorite summer TV shows that had their season finales recently.  So, if you still have them in your DVR and haven't watched them yet, there are tons of spoilers.  You are warned.

First, who else watches "SUITS"?

It has become one of my absolute favorite lawyer shows EVER!  The dynamics between Harvey and Mike are so entertaining.  Their one-liners and stingers are amazing.

So, the finale starts with Daniel Hardman being voted in as the new Managing Partner.  By the end of the show, Jessica not only is once again the Managing Partner, but Hardman gets FIRED!  Go team, Jessica!

Some other notables are:  Donna is back!  And just when I thought Mike and Rachel had another shot at getting together, once again, a love triangle is introduced.  Rachel, at Mike's door, sees Tess (an old friend of Mike's) walking around in nothing but a sheet.

End season.  Arghhh!


Next up is "DALLAS".

I remember watching the original series when I was a kid and we only got one station on the TV with an antennae.  So I knew I wanted to give the updated show a try.  In fact, I watched the very first episode in our Disney World Resort Room the first week of June!

I DVR'd a few episodes and then sat down one evening and had a mini-Dallas-marathon.  What a roller-coaster.  It definitely has drama down cold.

So, the finale.  J.R. signs over the deed of Southfork to Bobby in a rare moment of sentimentality.  Bobby's brain aneurysm is removed successfully.  John Ross and Elena get engaged.  John Ross and Elena break-up.  Christopher finds out that Rebecca isn't really Rebecca and says they are DONE.  Elena and Christopher hop into bed.

And the shocker of the night:  Rebecca (who BTW is pregnant with Christopher's twins) is really a BARNES!    I DID NOT see that coming!  lol

Like I said:  DRAMA.

And, I can't help it.  John Ross is my favorite!

Hopefully both these shows will be back on for the Winter Season in January.  I'm looking forward to it, if you can' tell :)


With the new Fall shows coming on soon, do you have any suggestions on new shows to watch?  I've seen so many previews for shows that look really interesting and have a good premise.
Please let me know your suggestions!


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