
Monday, August 13, 2012

Listicle ~ Good Parenting ~ 8/13/12

"10 Things My Parents Did Right"

1.  They raised me in the Church and taught me to have a strong faith and trust in God.

2.  They love each other and show it.  I've never doubted it for a minute.

3.  They taught me to show and tell others that I love them.

4.  They held me responsible for my actions. (and still do)

5.  They didn't buy me expensive clothes, a car or pay for my college.  They taught me the value of money and working for it.

6.  They've never tried to interfere in my marriage.

7.  They love my hubby as their own son.

8.  They would be here at a moment's notice if I need them.

9.  Growing up I had to help with dishes, laundry, cleaning and mowing.  I was taught the importance of a family working together.

10.  They have loved me unconditionally!
Love you, Mom and Dad!

Have fun!


  1. You have some great ones that I wish I'd thought of! Especially #7!!

  2. You sure were 'brunged up rightly'! I surely hope my children will be able to say some of these for our parenting.

  3. It all starts with #1. Great list :)

  4. I always leave 'your kitchen" happy. WOnderful list. How can one not be happy for you? Great family.

  5. Sounds very much like the way I grew up. So sad that such parenting style seems a thing of the past. Lovely list!


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