
Saturday, July 14, 2012

TSMSS ~ "Sweetly Broken" by Jeremy Riddle

I must confess.  I didn't know what song to post for this week's TSMSS.  So, I went to my go-to (my favorite inspirational radio station) to see what they had played recently.  This song was listed as number three recently played.

At first, I couldn't place the song just by the title, but once I started listening I knew right away what song it is.

I love videos that have lyrics.  There is something about seeing the words while hearing them that has greater effect.  At least for me.

I hope you enjoy!

Have a blessed weekend!


  1. HI Collette.. I like seeing the lyrics too. The words to this song is awesome. Wishing you a beautiful Sonday.

  2. At the cross He beckons me.. draws me gently to my knees and I am Sweetly broken...wholly surrendered! Great song Collette. Julie

  3. Good song. I had not heard it before. I like having the words too.


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