
Saturday, July 28, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 7/28/12

....A day late....

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q:  Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?

"Anne Frank:  The Diary of a Young Girl"

Anne Frank : The Diary of a Young Girl

I can still remember the feelings this book evoked even in 7th grade.


Book Blogger Hop

Jennifer's town was hit by a tornado yesterday!  Please keep her and the community in your prayers.

Q. Christmas in July: If Santa were to come down your chimney in the middle of summer, which books would you want him to leave for you under the tree?
Well, I don't have a chimney but I'll leave the door open for him.  I have a list of about 300 or more books I would like but for the sake of time and space here are two off the list:

"Scarlett" by A.C. Gaughen

"Austenland" by Shannon Hale
Happy Friday!


  1. Old follower, here for the friday feature and follow hop. :)
    FF Post

  2. I definitely enjoyed both Scarlet & Austenland - they're very unique and really fun to read.


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