
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 7/29/12

Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.  Click the button above to go the hosting blog.


Outside my window...  It is 76 F with a nice breeze.  It is a very nice break from the extreme heat we've been having.
I am thankful...  for a great Bible School program this evening!

In the kitchen...  nothing is going on.  I've been in a cooking/baking slump :(

I am wearing... Jean shorts, teal shirt and flip flops.

I am creating...  a new item for my shop!  Minnie & Mickey sets!
I am going...  for a walk first thing in the morning.  I need to get back in the routine after taking a break for a few days.

I am wondering...  if Kaylee is going to need braces.
I am reading...  I'm getting ready to start "The Chase" by DiAnn Mills

The Chase: A Novel (Crime Scene: Houston)

I am hoping...  to get a good night's sleep.  I haven't slept very well the past few nights.
I am looking forward to...  going to Laurel Hills State Park on Saturday.

I am learning...  if I want it done, I'll have to do it myself or give very detailed instructions and deadlines to others.

Around the house...  I finally got our bedroom cleaned!
I am pondering...  where to start tackling my "Clean and Purge" of the house.
A favorite quote for today...  "God is big, so I can believe."

One of my favorite things...  Staying up to date on the Olympic medal count and reading the Olympic headlines.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Walking, riding bike, swimming, cleaning, crocheting, blogging, reading more of Matthew and doing my Ladies' Bible Study, taking Kaylee to the orthodontist, watching Noah and Eden Monday and Thursday.

Have a great week!


  1. . . . And I thought that I was the only one who had problems getting some sleep. I'm hoping your lack of sleep is only temporary.

    At any rate, thank you for visiting and leaving a kind comment at my blog. It was a pleasure to "meet" you. You have a nice place here, so I decided to "follow." :)

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    I have found a lot of interesting writing prompts here, and I am going to write an article for "Tune in Tuesday" as well.

    I'd like to visit your blog again soon.

    Blessings to you.

  3. I love watching the Olympics too! Although it stinks that the results are broadcasted earlier in the day, so when it's time to watch at night, I already know the results.


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