
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 7/1/12

Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.  Click the button above to go the hosting blog.


Outside my window...  It is 86 F but it feels much hotter with the sun beating down.

I am thinking...  "How can it be July already?!?"

I am thankful...  for all my family but today I am celebrating my Dad who will turn 65 on Tuesday.

In the kitchen...  Doug made spaghetti for Sunday dinner.  That's my man!

I am wearing... Pink shorts and a white tee with blue graphics.

I am creating...  a Cat-in-the-Hat hat.

I am going...  to Sunday Evening Church in a bit.
I am wondering...  If summer will slow down soon.  We have another busy week a head.

I am reading...  "Scattered Petals" by Amanda Cabot.

I am hoping...  I can get back into a walking routine this week.

I am looking forward to...  Doug being on 1st shift so I can get my bedroom cleaned!

I am learning...  to give the girls jobs around the house that they can help me with.
Around the house...  The pool is up and ready for swimming!

I am pondering...  What it will be like when both girls are in school.

A favorite quote for today...  "Mom, look at me!" -- Laken (5) in the pool

One of my favorite things... 

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Monday and Thursday Noah and Eden will be coming for the day.  Wednesday we'll be having a cook-out and fireworks.  Friday the girls will be staying at Mom and Dad's so Doug and I can have a date night!!

Good Sunday Afternoon!


  1. Sounds like good plans ;0)
    Grabbed your blog button and add it to my collection of favorite sites.

  2. Scattered Petals sounds like a book I would like...I'm off to check it out! Found you through the Daybook!


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