
Monday, July 9, 2012

A Musing ~ Connection ~ 7/9/12

Each week Miz B at Should Be Reading asks a bookish question to muse over.

This week's musing :

"Have you ever read a book that, at the time, you didn’t feel a strong connection towards, but as time goes by you find yourself thinking about it a lot?"

I can't think of a specific book, but I'm sure it has happened.

Before I had children, I didn't necessarily connect to books where the main characters had children.  Especially romances.  I wanted all the romances to be where the characters in the books were their first loves.  I now understand how having children changes everything.
At one time, I also didn't connect with books where the characters were already married and encountering conflict.  Again I wanted to read about falling in love for the first time...  I now understand that life doesn't end when you say "I Do", and sometimes "happily-ever-after" takes a good bit of work!

So, I guess as my life changes and my view point changes, I'll connect with different types of books and plots.

What about you?

Musing along,


  1. So true, perspectives can change, especially after having children.

  2. I didn't know that...soem zen wisdom for me eh? ;)

    My Musing Monday here


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