
Friday, July 27, 2012

High 5 Friday Fragments and Favorites ~ 7/27/12

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5 Highlights from the past week:


1.  The Olympics are coming!  I love watching Beach Volleyball, Gymnastics and Swimming!  Go USA!

2.  I sat down with a new notebook and made a "Organize and Purge the House" plan.  I actually can't wait to get started.  I can't stand the clutter anymore.  And I get to pick new paint colors!


3.  I had a dentist appointment on Wednesday!  I know that doesn't sound like fun but I was overdue and.....  not a single cavity!!!  I got an A+ ;)


4.  We put the Redbox to use again this week and watched "We  Bought a Zoo" (really sweet movie) and "War Horse"  (AMAZING movie).  It has been really nice to get back into having a family movie night.

5. Saturday night, we (some of my extended family) all met at Aunt Donna's house to do a Family Dinner.  We had Chili Dogs and Homemade French Fries!  We played with Baby Dex and caught up on all the family gossip happenings.  Then we watched "One for the Money".  It was great to spend quality time with the ones I love.


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I did A LOT of purging when we moved from Indiana here, but since then I've added more "stuff" - - - so I'm breaking about even.

    Oh well - - - I LIKE this stuff better than the old, does that count for anything?

  2. I was thinking about renting War Horse the other day and forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Watching the opening ceremonies right now! Love it.

    I didn't know War Horse was at Redbox; I'll have to get that one. Thanks.

  4. Nice week, I need to make a Clean and Purge list. We plan to put out house on the market in January and I need to get rid of crap..hehehe

  5. I'm in the middle of purging right now too. And I decided to paint some bookcases which then made the color on the walls look dull so I'll be painting walls soon. I just keep thinking how clean and open everything is going to be! In January when I went to get my teeth cleaned, I didn't realize it had been 5 years since I'd been in. WHAT?! BUT- zero cavities! The dentist told me not to tell anyone so--shhh! LOL


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