
Friday, June 1, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 6/1/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q: You are a matchmaker — your goal, hook up two characters from two of your favorite books. Who would it be? How do you think it would go?

Slightly Dangerous  (Bedwyn, Bk 8)Fit to Be Tied (Sisters of Bethlehem Springs, Bk 2)
I'm going to pair up Wulfric Bedwyn, stiff, snobby, cold, oldest brother, and head of the aristocratic Bedwyn family, and leading man in Mary Balogh's "Slightly Dangerous",   WITH,  Cleo Arlington, leading lady of Robin Lee Hatcher's "Fit to Be Tied", tom-boy, cowgirl, pants wearing and independent.

Book Blogger Hop

Q. BEA Edition – What upcoming releases are you most looking forward to?

"The Scent of Rain" by Kristin Billerbeck
"Tidewater Inn" by Colleen Coble
"Dying to Read" by Lorena McCourtney

Q. Issue Books: Which books have you found to be very rewarding when it comes to tackling tougher issues?

Wow!   This is a tough one.  I tend to try to stay away from really hard-core issue books.  I usually like pure entertainment from reading.  Although, there is a series I enjoyed by Denise Hunter that hits 3 very hard issues and handled them very well.  The series follows 3 sisters as they deal with the following:

Mending Places (Hunter, Denise, New Heights Series.)
"Mending Places" is the first book in the series.  Hanna was attacked and raped years ago and is still dealing with the trauma that it caused.

Saving Grace (The New Heights Series)

"Saving Grace" features Natalie whose husband left her for a young woman who became pregnant.  After her ex abandons the "other woman" as well, Natalie has the extreme dilemna of whether or not to help the young woman through her pregnancy.
Finding Faith (New Heights Series)

In "Finding Faith", Paula is dealing with infertility.  She has never told her husband about the abortion she had early in their marriage so she could further her career before having children.  When he finds out, it is questionable if their marriage can survive.

Happy Friday!


  1. Great post and I have two of the book hops up on my blog

  2. Very interesting pairing! Thanks for stopping by! My Follow

  3. i love your pairing, sounds like there are sparks to be had with these two.

  4. Hmm... I haven't read these :) New follower via GFC! I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!

    Kayla @ Bengal Reads (YA Blog) & Reading On The Wild Side (Adult Blog)

    "Click Here" To view my #FF post for Bengal Reads

    "Click Here" To view my #FF post for Reading On The Wild Side


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