
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 6/3/12

Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.  Click the button above to go the hosting blog.


Outside my window...  is a beautiful beginning to a lovely day.

I am thinking...  We need to leave for Church soon.

I am thankful...  that school is out for summer!

In the kitchen...  are our snacks for our road trip starting tomorrow.

I am wearing...  Jean capris, black shirt with green/gold design, flip flops

I am creating...  nothing right now.  I'm in vacay mode.

I am going...  to Church this morning.

I am wondering...  If we will be on time.

I am reading...  "Under a Maui Moon" by Robin Jones Gunn.

I am hoping...  that I don't forget to pack anything.

I am looking forward to...  Our trip to Disney World.  We leave in the morning!

I am learning...  that the few days before vacation stress me out.

Around the house...  we're getting everything settled to leave.

I am pondering...  if we'll get everything done this afternoon.

A favorite quote for today...  "School's out for summer"....  Alice Cooper

One of my favorite things...  roadtrip vacations!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Roadtrip, Aunt Mary's in Daytona, DISNEY WORLD, baby!

A peek into my day...  Church in the morning, lunch, finish up around the house, evening church, get to bed early.

Good Sunday Morning!


  1. Have a blast at Disney World! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  2. Have a wonderful vacation! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog :)


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