
Monday, June 18, 2012

One THOUSAND Dollars ~ Listicles ~ 6/18/12

"How to blow $1000 in 10 simple steps."

1.  Buy new clothes.

2.  Get a mani/pedi.

3.  Go yarn shopping.

4.  Go to the bookstore.

5.  Take my girls to "Justice.

6.  Get the van detailed .

7.  Buy stationary.

8.  Get my hair did.

9.  Hire someone to deep clean my house.

10.  Take my family to an amusement park while house is being cleaned.

So, how would you blow $1000 in 10 simple steps?

Have fun!

Linking up to:
Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings


  1. I hate taking my 14 year old to Justice. It is dangerous!

  2. I hate going to Justice....I would PAY $1,000 for someone to take my 14 year old there FOR me :)

  3. I am so with you on taking the family to an amusement park while someone cleans the house. What an awesome summer day that would be.

  4. Oh that would be my favorite...going out while someone else cleaned my house!! But I would probably buy a complete set of wicker furniture for my wrap-around porch...with big fluffy cushions! I never realized how expensive that stuff was until we started looking to purchase...

  5. I love the idea of being at an amusement park while my house is being decontaminated. Brilliant!

  6. Nice. I wish I had a spare $1000 to send you. I like the way you plan on spending it!!


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