
Monday, June 25, 2012

A Musing ~ Reading Goals ~ 6/25/12

Each week Miz B at Should Be Reading asks a bookish question to muse over.

This week's musing :

"Do you set goals for yourself, while reading? For example, “I want to get this book finished this weekend“, or “I will read __ pages today“, etc. Why, or why not?"

This questions comes at a great time!  I just finished the "Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon".  So for RATs I definitely set a goal of the number of books I want to read by the end.  In fact, as of last night at 10pm I still had 1 complete book to read to reach my goal.  I was determined to meet my goal and read until the wee hours of the morning to finish it.  Since I finished before I went to bed, I consider that yesterday :)  Goal accomplished.
When not participating in RATs I don't set hard core goals.  I do however usually read 2-4 books a week with an average of 3.  I use my WWW Wednesday post as a "cut-off" to take a look at my week's reading accomplishments.
I might think to myself "I'd like to finish this book before bed" but I don't think I've ever set a page goal.
Well, now that REALLY I think about it, I do tend to find the middle page of a book and set it as a daily goal.  Just something about being "half-way through" gives me a sense of accomplishment before I turn the lights out for the day.
This question has really made me think about my reading goals and I guess I set more than I had thought!  I do try not to be overly rigid because that just takes the fun out of it :)
Do you set reading goals?
Musing along,

1 comment:

  1. No challenges for makes reading too much like work!


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