
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Its OK to be 34 ~ 5/14/12

3 on Thursday

Cole from "All the Small Stuff" and Andrea from "My Chihuahua Bites" are hosting linky that asks a fun question every Thursday.  Make sure you follow their blogs so you can get the question ahead of time and have your answers ready!

This week's topic is:

"What are 3 things you like best/worst about being your age?"

I'm going to go with the best.  Happy thoughts today!

1.  I'm done with childbearing.  I love my girls and I love that I most likely will never have to go through pregnancy again.


2.  I'm more confident.  Or at least, I'm not shy anymore.  I was painfully shy as a child and teenagers.  Now, I'll tell ya what I think!

3. I'm more settled now than I've ever been.  I've been married for 12 years, have two daughters, 2 dogs, 1 bird, 4 rabbits, a house, 2 cars.  I'm a SAHM doing what I love to do.  Yeah, 34 is good :)


Its Ok Thursdays

Its OK

...that I'm ready for vacation to be over

...that I'm ready to get back to our normal routine

...that I miss blogging everyday

...that I haven't picked up a book since the day we left home

...that I miss reading

...that instead of packing up our stuff, I'm creating this post say good-bye to Disney World

...that I won't miss the long lines, heat and waiting be homesick.

Have a great Thursday!


  1. Hope DW was fun. It is okay to be glad it is over.

  2. Hey! we are the same age and have both been married for 12 years ... I'm also glad to be done in the baby department.

  3. I bet Disney World was wonderful! I understand to miss reading. I haven't done much of that lately and I miss it!

    Cute Post
    Chloe =)

  4. I loved being in my 30s. Now I'm in my early 50s and it's a lot harder to think of things I like about being this age. I guess that my kids are basically grown and have turned out well. No more hormonal teenagers!

  5. I love Disney...but it can be so overwhelming that you need a little time to decompress when you leave.

    Yep, 34 does seem to be a great age for you! :-)

  6. I'm homesick too! :( It is absolutely no fun at all! Thankfully, I get to go visit next month! Couldn't get here fast enough!

  7. Vacation is tough. I mean it!

  8. yep..I understand what you are saying!!


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