
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hodgepodge and Chats ~ 6/27/12

This week's questions:

1. What do the words 'freedom' and 'liberty' mean to you? Does your mind go more in the direction of not being persecuted or discriminated against or does it head in the direction of doing what you please?

To me freedom and liberty mean being able to make my own choices.

2. Nathan's sponsors a hot dog eating contest every 4th of July. Last year over 40,000 people attended the event and almost 2 million watched it on TV. The winner ate over 60 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes. How do you like your hot dogs?

I like my hotdogs with only ketchup.  Toasted buns are a plus!

3. If you were going to enter an eating contest what would be on the menu?

French Fries.  I seriously can't stop eating until they are gone.

4. Do you run your house more as a dictatorship or a democracy?

Mostly as a democracy but in the end me and Daddy have the final say.

5. Where was your favorite summer place when you were a kid?

On my bed in front of a fan (no AC) with a book :)  We didn't really go on vacation so I traveled through books.

6. Do you have a guest room? Would you want to stay there?

No, no guest room at this point in our lives.  But I would LOVE to come stay in someone else's!  Anyone?

7. Next Wednesday America celebrates her independence. Do you have any special plans for the 4th of July? If you live outside the USA when and how does your country celebrate its own patriotic holiday?

We usually have the family over to our house to swim and for a cookout.  Then we put fireworks off in the yard.  We used to travel to watch the big fireworks but we decided it is just as fun if not more so to do our own little owns.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I really, really need a Grammy/Pappy Day.  Kaylee has been at Church Camp so Laken has been attached to me like a leach!  Literally hanging off my arm!


Here are the questions:

1.  What's your favorite day of the week? Why?

I think Monday is my favorite.  The start of a new week after the busyness of the weekend.  Getting back to a routine.

2.  Do you have a blog? Please tell us the name of it and how long you've had it.

I do have a blog!  lol  It is called "Colletta's Kitchen Sink" and I started it in February 2009.

3.  What's the last book you read? If you're not a reader, please tell us about the last movie you saw.

The last book I read was "A Love of Her Own" by Maggie Brendan.  You can read my review HERE.  The last movie I saw was this past Friday when we took the girls to see "Brave".

4.  Do you ever doodle with a pen or pencil while something else is going on?

Definitely.  Whenever I am in a class or lesson of any kind there will be scribbles all over the edges of my pages.  I usually draw boxes with lines or flowers.

5.  Tell me about your bathroom towels. What color are they? Do they all match?

Our bathroom towels in no way what-so-ever match!  They are a mixture of towels I've bought, people have given us and beach towels.  No rhyme or reason to them at all :)

Have a great day!


  1. We have the same towels! My sheets are only slightly better.:( That's on my to-do list.I read your review. It sounds like a good book. Don't you just hate when a series ends? I always want more, more, more...

  2. I'm visiting from the Farmhouse Chats. I'm going to check out your book recommendation. I'm always looking for a summer read.

  3. I was just telling one of my students about not having AC as a kid! I used to read all summer too. Oh, wait, I still do!


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