
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Book Review: "A Love of Her Own" by Maggie Brendan

A Love of Her Own (Heart of the West, Bk 3)

Title:  "A Love of Her Own"
Series:  Heart of the West Book 3
Author:  Maggie Brendan
Publisher:  Revell
Publication Date: 6/1/2010
Pages:  320

Book Description (PBS):

April McBride has suffered a broken engagement once before and fully intends to guard her heart when she travels to Lewistown, Montana, to attend her brother's wedding. One look around the small mining town convinces April that this won't be difficult--just a bunch of dusty shops, bad service, and ill-bred cowboys. But a run-in with a horse trainer named Wes Owen opens up vast possibilities for frustration, embarrassment, friendship, and love? Can April and Wes see past their differences in order to envision a future together?

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

This was the third and final book of the Heart of the West series.  I finished out the series as part of the "All Series, All Summer 2012".

I love when all three books in a trilolgy are equally good reads.  This series was the first that I had read from Maggie Brendan and she has become a serious contender as a favorite.

I loved April's free spirit but also enjoyed see her mature from the beginning of the book until the very satisfying end.  I also really liked Wes's character.  His physical description actually reminded me of my hubby.  Tall and lanky.

This was a great book to end out the series!

My Favorite Character:

I don't know why, but so many times my favorite characters are supporting characters.  That happened once again in this book but there was a tie between Margaret and Morgan.

Margaret is the owner of the boardinghouse that April stays at.  She becomes much like a grandmother to April.

Morgan is the owner of the stagecoach franchise in Lewistown.  He is such a likeable, steady man and is well respected by everyone.  I think his quips were so funny!

My Favorite Scene:

There were so many great scenes in this book.  April got into all kinds of predicaments.  One of the very first in the book is when the stage breaks down as she's on the way to her brother's wedding.  If she waits any longer she'll miss the wedding.  She talks Morgan into letting her ride one of the stage horsies bareback the rest of the way.  She ends up just making the wedding but is still wearing men's jeans, a duster and a cowboy hat.  Her brother sees her walk in and isn't suprised a bit.  He just smiles and nods at her.

My Favorite Sentence(s):
(Wes) gave Dakota some oats to eat while he washed his face and hands.  He stared at his reflection in the mirror as he patted his face dry.  Just an average cowboy with sun-streaked hair and light stubble on his jaw, with a tinge of sunburn on an already tanned face in spite of wearing his hat.  A slow smile spread across his fave.  He may not be the best-looking man around, but he was certain April had shared the spark between them when he'd kissed her.

He stopped, recalling the taste of her sweet lips.  Had his breath smelled okay?  He sure hoped so.


It Woud Have Been Better If:

I really don't think there was anything I would change.   It was the perfect mixture of drama, comedy, romance and even tragedy.

I Would Recommend This Book To:

Younger sisters, horse lovers, travelers, bed-n-breakfasters, western historical lovers.



On to the next book,

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