
Thursday, May 31, 2012

That's SO Weird ~ Its OK ~ 5/31/12

3 on Thursday

Cole from "All the Small Stuff" and Andrea from "My Chihuahua Bites" are hosting linky that asks a fun question every Thursday.  Make sure you follow their blogs so you can get the question ahead of time and have your answers ready!

This week's topic is:

"What are 3 foods you eat that others think are weird or strange?"

This was a hard one because I'm a very picky eater and don't really eat "strange" food.  So I had to go mostly with what others may think weird:

1.  Macaroni-n-Cheese with crushed chips.  I love to get a bowl of m-n-ch and crush chips up in it.  If I don't have chips, then snack crackers will do.  I personally don't think this is weird at all.  I see people make baked m-n-ch with crushed chips or crackers on top all the time.

AMERICAN Standard Size Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner


2.  A hoagie (sub, etc. here we say hoagie) with only turkey and cheese.  Remember, I'm picky.  I can't tell you how many times I've been asked "only turkey and cheese?", "are you sure you don't want dressing or mayo on that?", "you don't want any vegetables on that?"  Yes, I am sure.  No, I don't.  Dressing and mayo are disgusting and I'll puke if a vegetable passes by these lips or even under my nose!


3.  Cottage Cheese.  My husband and girls think cottage cheese is gross.  Which means that me liking it is pretty strange considering what it is.   My husband is always amazed that I like it.

Its Ok Thursdays

Its OK

...that I don't like coffee. be young and love to crochet. get a mani/pedi at least once a month. say "the heck with cooking" and order a pizza.

...that the sink is piled high with dirty dishes.

...that the grass needs mowed really bad. hope that our daughter's softball team loses so that we don't have to sit through a second day of a scourching hot softball tournament. be stressed about getting everything ready for our vacation next week.

...that I can't wait to hit the road!

Have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Those all sound pretty normal to me! I don't like cottage cheese (its a texture thing) but I know tons of people that do!


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