
Friday, May 18, 2012

TGIF~FF~BBH ~ 5/18/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q:  Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?

Right here:

Bench on the lakeside


Book Blogger Hop

Q.  "How many books do you own? This can include books in your to-be-read (TBR) pile(s) and books you have already read that are on your keeper shelf."

Ok...I actually counted and the answer is........  140!  That's just my TBR shelf.  I don't usually keep very many books after I read them.  I have maybe 25-30 keepers and that includes past Bible studies, a few self-help books, etc.


Q.  "A Book Blogger is Born: What made you decide to start your very own book blog?"

Well.  I think I could say that I started my blog as a creative outlet.  In the Fall of 2009 (I think), my youngest was 1, my husband works swing-shift and it seemed like none of my adult friends had the same interest in talking books, quilts etc.  So, I started my blog as a place to "talk" to others about the same interests that I have.

A side reason would have been to keep track of my reading and crafts.  I used to keep a notebook with all that I read and projects I had completed.  A blog makes it MUCH easier to go back and search for a certain recipe or event.


Happy Friday!


  1. 1. I would like to be sitting on that bench reading a book RIGHT NOW!
    2. I am also pretty good at purging books I've read and don't plan on revisiting, which seems to be rare in the book blogging world.
    3. I also like the community that comes with blogging and the fact that it is a lot easier to keep track of what I read this way!

  2. Agreed. That's lovely. I'd love to go read a book there.

    My follow friday. Please visit!

  3. 1. I would love to vacation in the mountains and sit on the porch of a nice cabin with my book.

    2. As you saw by my blog - I have at least 500 books.

    3. I decided to start my blog so I could have a place to review books and recommend them to other people

  4. I love that blogs are such an easy way to connect with people that have the same interests as you! So glad you started yours :)

  5. 140 TBR! Yikes! I have 40 some and I'm like "aaahhh!!!!"

  6. That's my kind of reading spot. Lovely...

  7. I should probably actually count my books too... oh, and that picture looks like a beautiful and serene place to read

    My hop post


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