
Thursday, May 24, 2012

TGIF ~ FF ~ BBH ~ 5/25/12

This post is where I combine 3 different Friday bookish blog hops and the questions posed by each.  I just couldn't leave any out!


Q: Activity.  Dream Cast your current read. 
Design on a Crime (Deadly Decor, Bk 1)

I'm just getting ready to start this book so I'm going to go with two of my favorite HGTV stars.

Lisa LaPorta as Haley Farrell


Image Detail

Scott McGillivray as Dutch Merrill.  Yumm...


Book Blogger Hop

Q. How do you handle the writing of a negative review?
 It is for this reason that I don't request books to review.  I like to read only what I want and don't like deadlines.  If I don't like a book, which would require a negative review, I just stop reading it and move on to something more enjoyable.  You will very rarely find me rate anything lower than a 3/5 because I wouldn't have finished that book.


Q.  Show Me Your Cover: What are some of the worst book covers, but hold some of the best stories inside? Don't be embarrassed, show us your cover!
Kissing Adrien
This cover with its bubble-gum-pink Eifel Tower looks like it would be about a 13 year old but it isn't.  Even the title sounds a bit immature.  But the book was so good.
Perfecting Kate (Southern Discomfort, Bk 2)
I don't like this cover at all.  It is just weird with the too-pink face and the "bubbles" showing spots that needs improvement.  I love Tamara Leigh so I read the book and it was really good!
Sisterchicks on the Loose (Sisterchicks, Bk 1)

I love all the "Sisterchicks" books.  If you haven't read them, you should.  But this cover reminds me of an episode of "I Love Lucy".  The scene they are refering to IS hilarious but I just don't think this cover does the book justice.


Happy Friday!


  1. Hopping through. Nothing wrong with not posting negative reviews. I often don't finish books that I don't like but if I do, I will post a negative review. I try to be balanced about it though.
    My Hop

  2. I am the same with trying to be balance with my reviews and be as honesty as I can be.

  3. Hello passing through from Book Blogger Hop!

  4. I don't do ARCs and Blog Tours for the same reason - I don't want to have to read a book I don't like just to write something (for free at that). But I do come across books I don't like from time to time, but at least I'm not obligated to keep reading it if I don't want to.

  5. I haven't heard of this one, but great cast! I'm a new follower! My Follow

  6. Yum indeed!!! I JUST started rating books along with my review so I haven't had to rate anything less than three yet. BUT... I would have to HATE a book for it to get a one or two and at that point I probably would rate it on goodreads, then skip the review.

  7. Great answers! New follower here :)

    my FF

  8. Just hopping by,enjoy! your week-end.

  9. I always get nervous when I'm about to post a negative review, like my latest. I always felt the pressure of receiving a book for free, then saying bad things about it, but I have to be honest. At least I'm trying not to be mean and balance good (if there's any) with the bad.

    Old follower :) Here's my FF.
    Happy Friday!

  10. i agree with Kissing Adrien. I loved the story, but the cover was eh. I liked The Cubicle Next Door better, it's one of my favorite books. Gread list! ~dixie

  11. What an adorable header. The minute I saw it I said: AWWWWW. I love it.

    Very nice blog too.


    Stopping by from The Book Blogger Hop.

    Stop by my blog if you like.

    A giveaway going on at my blog:


    Silver's Reviews

  12. I hate deadlines too and am not a fan of reviewing when it isn't something I've picked.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I have been doing reviews for about a year and at times I wish I weren't on a schedule. But every time they send a request for a review I am like a addict I just have to read and review the book. Although I am getting better and try to be more selective in which books I want to read.

    I am now following you on GFC. Hope you will follow me.


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