
Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers/Daughters ~ 5/14/12

"10 Mother/Daughter Similarities"

How my girls are like me (5 each)


1.  We LOVE to read.
2.  We love potatoes and noodles.
3.  We're sensitive.
4.  We're shy.  (I've mostly grown out of this)
5.  We're intelligent.  (She is a grade ahead for her age.)



1.  We're effectionate.
2.  We like to sleep in.
3.  We LOVE shoes.
4.  We like to accessorize.
5.  We love pizza.


How I'm like MY Mom:

1.  We're Christians.
2.  We've had two children/2 c-sections.
3.  We have curly hair.
4.  We crochet and sew.
5.  We're sensitive.
6.  We have a sweet-tooth.  (sweet-toothes?)
7.  We were both Valedictorians.
8.  We love Hallmark movies.
9.  We are/were Stay-at-home-moms.
10.  We like to take walks.  (especially together)

How are your children like you?  How are you like your Mom?

Have fun!

Linking up to:
Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings


  1. I love how you addressed this! I do believe my mom and I are alike in many ways, including the stay at home mommyhood. I'm impressed with both being valedictorians! Perhaps you'll pass that down to both daughters as well?

  2. Sweet post! (-: How alike you all are through the generations. One day your kids will read this and it will be a little treasure. (-:

  3. Sweet post! (-: How alike you all are through the generations. One day your kids will read this and it will be a little treasure. (-:

  4. Both valedictorians. How cool. And how neat three generations can enjoy the love of each other.

  5. Love how you celebrated both your girl and your mom with this weeks list. How similar you are and how much has been past on from your mom all the way to your youngest! Your girls are so pretty and smart!

  6. This is such a great post the way you compared three generations. I'm a lot like my mom... in more than just looks and sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and realize... wow, another thing we have in common. It's so true when they say we turn into our parents as we get older.

  7. What a great list! I should make one like this to compare my mother and I...

  8. Great list. And great idea. I think I want to do this with my 3 kids too. I think that alot of kids sometimes wonder how they are like their parents. This would be a great list for our kids to find someday when they are grown!

  9. I love this list. I'm adopted and me and my mom have a lot of similarities. We've even been told we look alike on occasion.


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