
Friday, May 11, 2012

Mothers~ FF ~ 5/11/12

Q:  This Sunday in the U.S is Mother's Day, in celebration, what are some of your favourite books with strong mother/child relationships?

The first book that comes to mind is "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott.  "Marmie" is left alone to raise her 4 daughers while her husband is off at war.  She has a special bond with each of her daughters as they struggle to survive and become young women.  I get warm fuzzies just thinking about this book :)

Little Women (Penguin Classics)

I love you, Mom!  Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Oh good one! I forgot about that book, but it's definitely one of the strongest mother daughter relationships in literacy. My Feature & Follow Friday

  2. So many people love this book! I feel guilty for not reading it. :)

  3. How did I forget about Marmie? I loved Little Women when I was younger. Great answer! Following back!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  4. Hi, happy Friday! Great answer, I've seen Little Women picked a lot this Friday, and totally agree. By the way, I'm a new follower. Hope you can stop by my blog sometime. :) Have a great weekend!

    Jessica from Booked Up!

  5. Hi, happy Friday! Great answer, I've seen Little Women picked a lot this Friday, and totally agree. By the way, I'm a new follower. Hope you can stop by my blog sometime. :) Have a great weekend!

    Jessica from Booked Up!

  6. Great pick! I loved Little Women, but I've only seen the film, maybe I'll check out the book, too, someday.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF. Have a nice weekend!

  7. Little Women is such a classic. You're right it's a great mother/daughters relationship. Didn't even think that far back on my "read" list.

    My follow friday. Hope you'll visit!

  8. Oh, I've read Little Women such a long time ago that I completely forgot everything about it. Thank you for reminding me and for stopping by my blog. I'm following through GFC :)

  9. I will certainly agree with Little Women, an oft cited book answering this question. I have an early hardbound edition, which I keep on our piano. Can't help but pick it up and reread from time-to-time. It's a classic.

    New follower:


  10. Great answer, I picked little women too!

    new follower :)
    My FF


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