
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hodgepodge & Chats ~ 5/23/12

This week's questions:

1. What's something you miss about the 1980's? If you're too young to miss the 80's how about the 90's?

What I miss most about the 80's or 90's is having my grandparents here on earth with us.  They were very special to me and I miss them horribly.

2. Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you visit?

Last time I went to the library to try to check-out books, they said I needed to renew my card and that would cost $10.  I said forget it.  lol

3. What's the secret to success?

The secret to success is realizing what your individual definition of success is.  What it is to someone else WON'T or SHOULDN'T be the same for you.

4. This is National Backyard Games week...what's your favorite backyard game?

We love to throw the softball around with the girls and also play fetch with the hounds.

5. If I dropped by today what would I find on your coffee table?

Right now there are probably remotes, cups from last evening's drinks, maybe some crayons and coloring books.  I usually do a walk-thru and clean up in them mornings AFTER blogging :)

6. Do you own a bicycle? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Is that something you enjoy?

I do own a bike.  I haven't it in a few years because it makes my {unmentionable parts} hurt.    I want to try to find a new seat that is more comfortable.  When I was a kid we rode our bikes all over town.

7. What's your favorite cheese?

Besides good ole' American, I like Mozzarella and Provolone.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I cannot wait for the eldest to get down with school.  She was a bear to get up this morning.  Not to mention as soon as school is out we're going to DISNEY WORLD!!!!  I think I mention this before but it is a big deal around here :)

Disney World Vacations


Here are the questions:

1.What are you doing for Memorial Weekend?

We were going to go fishing and have a picnic at the lake but now it seems that we're going to be spending the weekend at a Softball tournament.

2.What's the last old movie you saw?

Old is a relative word.  If we're talking a few years old it would be "Click" with Adam Sandler.  If we're talking old-old, it would be "White Christmas".  We watch it every year at Christmas-time.

3.What color are the walls in your living room?

Three walls are a light brown and one wall is a very pretty dark green.

4.What's your favorite food to cook on the grill?

The hubby usually does the actual cooking on the grill, but my favorite food to eat from the grill would be a good juicy burger :)

5.What's your favorite animal?

Even though my dogs are driving me CRAZY this morning by running around and barking constantly, dogs are my favorite animal.  Especially, puppies :)

Have a great day!


  1. The sink in your picture is SO clean and shiny! My sink is hiding in embarassment.Too bad the fishing got cancelled. I like a burger on the grill too. My dogs drive me crazy and I love them anyway. Have a good rest of the week and weekend!

  2. Bike seats are terribly uncomfortable, but I found the more you ride the easier it becomes. I wish we could ride ours more!

    Have a good Memorial weekend!

    Your newest follower,

    It's All Downhill!

  3. Disney! How fun! Have a great time!

  4. Disney was ALOT of fun! You will love it if you haven't been there before!

  5. That was fun! Your family seems very nice.
    I love dogs, too. I have not been without a dog in 43 years. Recently, our 17 year old coydog passed away. So I do hope there is a puppy in our future! I'm following:
    McGuffy's Reader

  6. We did Disney World last spring. It was awesome...We were on the first fairy in & the last train out! We did EVERYTHING! Fast Pass...Use it...It is a beautiful thing. Have an awesome week :o)

  7. This has nothing to do with the "chats"...but I love that little stand your coffee maker is sitting on!!! And, favorite is an OWL!!! ;-)

  8. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my chat.
    It is always fun to meet new people through blogging!

    We are also planning a trip to FL. We'll probably spend at least one day at Disney.

    I hope you and your family have a blast!

  9. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my chat.
    It is always fun to meet new people through blogging!

    We are also planning a trip to FL. We'll probably spend at least one day at Disney.

    I hope you and your family have a blast!

  10. I usually think the same thing about bicycle seats- LOL!


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