
Friday, May 11, 2012

Favorite Color Swap!


I'm finally getting to post my swap gifts!  My partner was the wonderful

 You can see her post about what I got her  HERE.

The water in this picture was the inspiration for my favorite color.

Ashley did an amazing job with my package.  I waited until both my girls were home so they could share the excitement of opening everything with me.

Seriously, this haul was awesome!

I can't wait to wear all the jewelry I got.  I love, love, love the bracelets, earrings and necklace.  I've been burning my candle ALL week and it smells so good.  That fingernail poslish is called "Gorgeous" and is going to be on my nails very soon!

The girls tried to steal my poof and "sea cotton" body gel but no way were they getting it.  I did share my skittles and chocolates though.  The notecards went straight in my stationary drawer.  I LOVE stationary!

This picture doesn't do this frame justice.  It is such a gorgeous color.  It needs a very special picture to fill it.  Maybe one from our Disney World trip :)  Ashley doesn't live very far from there.  Wouldn't it be great if we could meet up?  hint, hint.

Thank you, Ashley, for being such an amazing swap partner.  You made this experience so enjoyable and exiting!
And thanks for hosting, Mamarazzi!  I look forward to the next swap!


  1. Lovely..and it's not even's nice when an average day becomes a special one :)

  2. wow she did such an amazing job!! i'm doing the big send something good swap right now but i Love the idea of a colour swap!!

    and now i am literally going to get up and go buy some tropical skittles because those are my favourite!

  3. I totally missed this post!!!! I'm glad you loved all your items =) I hope the bracelet fit - it is hard to gauge wrists; especially when dealing with elastic!


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