
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Camera Critters ~ 5/19/12

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a Saturday meme hosted by Misty Dawn at Camera Critters  which is all about photos of animals/critters. 


We got Jas as a pup and have had her for almost a year.  Technically, we say that she was Doug's Father's Day present but he doesn't always want to claim her.  It depends on if she's been bad or not.  Then he says she's MY dog.

Naming her was a familly event.  We would go around the house and shout out names as they came to mind.  Any member of the family could shoot down the name if they didn't like it.

We finally settled on "Jasmine Belle".  Most of you will get the reference but for those that aren't into Disney (shame on you!), Jasmine was the princess on "Aladdin" and Belle is the pseudo-princess on "Beauty and the Beast."

Here is Princess Jasmine Belle in all her finery!  It can be tricky getting her to hold still.  Kaylee had to "help" her out a little.

Only 16 days until our Disney Vacation and we get to see the "real" Jasmine and Belle!

Have a wonderful Camera Critters day!


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