
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon 4.0

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

I've decided to go ahead and join the Bout of Books Read-a-Thon hosted by Amanda at "On a Book Bender".

Here are the guidelines.

-It is a week long read-a-thon, usually from 12:01am on a Monday through 11:59pm on a Sunday in whatever time zone you are in.

-Bout of Books is low pressure, meaning participants are only asked to push themselves to read more than they normally would during any given week.

-There is no competition between readers.

-How much time a reader wants, and can commit, to read, tweet, or network with fellow bloggers is left to individual preference. All challenges and giveaways are optional.

-Networking with fellow bloggers is actively encouraged, though never required. Co-hosts are there to facilitate blog hopping and interaction between participants.

-Use Twitter to post updates throughout the read-a-thon. Everyone will be tweeting with the #boutofbooks hashtag.

My Goals:

I usually read at least 2 books a week but sometimes as much as 4.  So my goal is to try to read 5 books this week!

Tentative Book Line-up:

[X] 5/14/12 - 1.  Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler

[X] 5/17/12 - 2.  Shades of Earl Grey by Laura Childs

[X] 5/18/12 - 3.  Love on the Line by Deeanne Gist

[X] 5/19/12 - 4.  Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal by Grace Burrowes
[X] 5/15/12 - 5.  LFYI Groom, Texas by Janice Hanna

5 down.  0 to go!   DONE!!!!!  Now I'm going to try for a bonus book!

I'm so excited to participate in my first bloggy read-a-thon!

Bring IT ON!!



This one was just too cool to pass up!  Here's my attempt:

A Time to Love
A Whisper of Peace.

In Every Heartbeat
Stars Collide.

While We're Far Apart,
Though Waters Roar,

I hear
A Distant Melody
Twilight's Serenade.


  1. Good luck with your goals and have fun!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Deanne Gist's "Love on the Line"!! You will have no trouble completing that one, as it is hard to out down!

  3. Good luck with your picks! My goal is 5 books too!

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  4. I'm definitely looking to get the High Heels Mysteries series. Good luck on your goals!

  5. I'm so behind on my blog reading that I'm falling behind on my book reading. I love that you are challenging yourself.

  6. Ooo, looks like you're doing great! I usually only read about 2 books a week too! Hoping to get 2 more read this week! Good luck and happy reading :)

  7. You haven't updated on this post yet, but I hope you are reading lots!

  8. Awww, such a lovely poem, Colletta! well done ;)

  9. 5 books done! That's great.

    And oh my gosh, I LOVE that poem. It is so beautiful. Wait, I will go copy it somewhere. Are you a poet? Amazing!

  10. I love the ending of your poem! Thanks for stopping by mine.

  11. Way cool! I love seeing all these Bout-of-Books participants reaching their goals! Happy reading and have a great weekend!

  12. Ooh, nice job with the poem. I feel like so many people did so well at making them make sense, and at the same time I struggled lol! Still, a fun challenge =)

  13. Fantastic poem :)
    And congrats on reaching your goal!

  14. Love your poem! The second section is beautiful imagery =)

  15. Oh, your poem is amazing! Well done on reaching your goal too! :)

  16. "In Every Heartbeat
    Stars Collide."

    That's my fav part!

  17. That was a great poem! I loved the variety of titles. :)I hope you had fun with it.


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