
Monday, April 30, 2012

Free Time Free Money ~ Monday Listicles

This week for Monday Listicles there's a choice of theme:

#1 – list 10 things you really like about yourself, things you are good at, your super powers!


#2 – You have 48 hours free of all responsibilities and unlimited cash, what 10 things would you do, places you’d go, etc.

I chose #2 because I am just NOT good at saying nice things about myself. 


Here are my 10:

1.  I'd go to the bank and pay off our mortgage.

2.  I'd go to a car dealership and buy one brand spankin' new car and one brand spankin' new truck.

3.  I'd fly to Ireland and buy a castle.

4.  I'd buy a beach house.

5.  I'd hire a house cleaning service to do a total overhaul on my house while I'm out and about.

6.  I'd get a complete spa treatment.

7.  I'd get hair extensions until my own hair grows long again.

8.  I'd set up college funds for the girls.

9.  I'd go on a romantic date with the hubby.

10.  I'd take a nap :)

So what would you do with 48 hours of free time and unlimited money?
Have fun!


  1. You are so responsible! Now I'm kicking myself for not paying off my mortgage on my list!

  2. I love how you ended it with a nap, sounds like the perfect end to those 48 hours!

  3. I especially love number 3!I have a fascination with Ireland, Scotland and old castles.

    The beach house sound pretty awesome with a back porch with a swing where you could just sit for hours watching the waves crash. Sigh.

  4. All winners -- fo sho. I love the thought of paying off the mortgage. How awesome would that be. I might have to fantasize about that the rest of the day.

  5. All winners -- fo sho. I love the thought of paying off the mortgage. How awesome would that be. I might have to fantasize about that the rest of the day.

  6. Nap in a castle! You are my kinda girl. Specially because after sending the girls of to collage and having the peace of knowing mortgage has been paid off. Awesome list!!

  7. Oooh, great list!!! I'd love a beach house, a spa treatment, and a new house. :)

  8. Gotta love that list--so practical! I didn't even think of paying off my bills! Found and followed you form Listicles...

  9. I would like to combine the nap and the beach house, please! Oh, and a trip to the spa in between. Lovely list!

  10. That's some fabulous in those two days! We went to Ireland on our honeymoon--such a soft spot for that place. Erin

  11. This list is awesome! I feel like you pretty much thought of everything! New house, new cars, maid service, travel, spa, college funds and nap! I can't think of anything I'd add - great post!

  12. Awesome list! I totally should have thought to add a maid service!

  13. Can I come to the beach house with you?


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