
Friday, December 9, 2011


I went to my dr. yesterday and told him about the breakthrough occurances of depression and anxiety.

He added a very low dose of Abilify (you've probably all seen the advertisements) to my Lexapro/Klonopin combo.  Abilify has shown great success in boosting an antidepressant when taken in combination.

So far so good!

The good doc seemed fairly confident that this should do the trick.

I have a follow-up appt next Friday but he even went so far as to tell me that if I'm feeling great by then, to cancel that appt and just keep my follow-up appt I have in January.

Faith, hope and love.


1 comment:

  1. Dear friend... fingers crossed that this combination works for you. I know the highs and lows of finding the right combination. Cymbalta seemed to work for me but lately I think its needing a change.. not looking forward to the challenges of the next thing "that" may help.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. xo HHL


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