
Friday, December 23, 2011

Studying the Psalms with Wendy Pope 2012

Wendy Pope has led the online study "Walking With Women Through the Word" and reading through the chronilogical Bible for 3 years.

This coming year, 2012, she has been led to slow down and study more in depth the Book of Psalms.

Click HERE to go to Wendy's information about the study and also a video giving more details.

The study begins January 2, 2012.  There will be a weekly Psalm assigned and then questions given throughout the week.  It is all done online.

Here is a sample of one of Wendy's teaching videos.  Today's actually.

The Psalms contain some of my very favorite passages in the Bible so I'm very excited about this study.

If you'd like to join along go over to and sign up for her mailing list.  So easy.

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