
Saturday, December 31, 2011

One Word 2012 ~ "Courageous"

After much going back and forth and trying to decide on a word for 2012, I have decided on "Courage/Courageous".

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9 (NASB)

Those of you who have followed my blog know that I struggle with depression and anxiety.  When I am going through a rough season, sometimes the only thing that keeps me pushing forward is courage and knowing that God is with me always.

So this year, I will strive to be courageous.  As a Christian, a wife, a mother, a woman, a person who struggles.  With all that I am.


  1. Excellent choice!

    I'm thinking of doing the Happiness Challenge this year. Have you ever tried it? It's the one that goes along with the Happiness Project book.

  2. I'm with you on courage. I need that too and like you...He's been the One I lean anchor whenever I can't move. Sending you tons of hugs for a great year.

  3. Hi Collette, love your word! I am doing one word as well to focus on (hop over to my blog to see what I wrote about last year's word!) This year my word is loved. I will prayerfully focus on this word for 2012.
    Wishing you a new year full of courage!
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  4. That's a really good word. One we will all need as time goes by. Jesus is our strength and our courage for all occasions. I too need more of this and praying that you will obtain the courage God has waiting for you.

  5. Oh bless you -- such a perfect word. Courage is needed in so much of life. I find that knowing God is with me opens the door to courage. I'm sure God is pleased with your choice. He will bless a sincere heart.

  6. He will continue to give you courage. It takes courage to press through fear and depression. He who has enabled you before will keep on being your encourager. You are a blessing.

  7. Dear Colletta, I am sure God will honor your desire for courage. He is probably the one who put it in your heart to have that for your special word this year.
    Blessings and courage,


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