
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Etsy Shop Back Up and Running!

I had to take a break from my etsy shop for a few weeks to recuperate both physically and mentally.

I am so very glad to let everyone know that my shop is back up and running at 100%.

Taking this break has also rejuvenated my creativity and I have lots of ideas.

My mom will also be working on items for the Colletta's Kitchen Sink Etsy Shop.  She is a wonderful seamstress, crocheter and all around wonderful, bestest mom in the world!  Love you, Mom!

I thought I'd show you some of our best sellers as of late:

I'm really looking forward to the direction we're going to be taking with the shop and so very glad that I'll be working with my Mom.  Two heads are better than one and 4 hands are better than 2!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything that you posted here! How cute are those hats...that football one is perfect for Steeler fans. :-P

    XOXO~ Renee


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