
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ritz Cookies, take 2

I resurrected this recipe from last year because I will definitely be making these again in a few days to a week.  They have become a yearly tradition.  YUM!  Talk about addictive!


 Chocolate Peanut Butter Ritz Cookies

Box of Ritz Cracker (I used the Great Value Snack Crackers)
Jar of Creamy Peanut Butter
Bag of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips (or whatever kind you like the best)
Sprinkles, colored sugar, etc. (optional)
Wax paper

Spread some peanut butter on a cracker.

Top it with another cracker.

Melt your chocolate.  I melted mine in the microwave and then switched it to my small crock pot to keep it nice and smoothly melted.

Then drop your cracker sandwich in the chocolate and use a spoon or fork or both to roll it around in the chocolate until well coated.

Use the spoon to smooth the top out and remove some of the excess chocolate off the bottom.  Place on wax paper until the chocolate hardens.  Sprinkle with decoratives before the chocolate hardens.

And that is my very technical recipe for Chocolate Peanut Butter Ritz Cookies.

Be prepared for your kitchen, kids and self to be covered in chocolate also!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my sister made these for me last year only she used white chocolate and they ARE scrumpteous and addicting!!!!! Need to put this on my to do list next week!


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