
Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Diary ~ 10/3/11

Last week flew by!  The whole month of September flew by!  I've been so crazy busy that I've hardly posted at all and I've really missed blogging.  I'm trying to rearrange my schedule into a more manageable routine and getting back to blogging is included.

My etsy orders have rocketed!  Thank You, Lord.  I've really been blessed.  It gives us some extra income, especially now that Doug's overtime has stopped.  I'm loving all the interaction with customers and adore doing custom orders.  So fun!

I've joined the town's new "Community Choir" led by our new Charter School's Music Director who Kaylee and I are both loving.  Chorus practice is lots of fun.  Kaylee has become so much more interested in practicing her flute and has greatly improved.  The band is now a Community Band and if I can find another flute (Kaylee uses mine) I think I'll join that also.

This weekend was Hyndman's Annual Homecoming and also Kaylee's first parade.  She was so nervous and excited that she didn't know how to express how she felt the night before.  I told her that it is anticipation!

Friday night always starts off the celebration with a Volleyball Game and a bonfire.  It was the first bonfire I'd been to for a few years  but there was no talking Kaylee out of going.  Doug was on 2nd shift so trying to keep a hold of Laken and keep an eye on Kaylee in the dark was a bit nerve wracking.  She had fun though!

Saturday morning I got Kaylee up to get dressed for the parade.  It lined up just a few blocks from our house so we walked.  I was asked to march beside the band front to help them out.  Most of them are new and this was their first parade.  It made me realize how much I miss participating in band after all these 15 years of being out of school.

The band sounded great!  I was so impressed.  It started raining about mid-way through the parade and then pretty much rained the entire time.  I don't think it deterred many people though.  The booths were hopping and people came out to support the school and town.  There were just a lot of umbrellas so you had to watch where you walked.  lol  Nobody wants to lose an eye!

When we came home I put some snugly clothes on and tried to dry out and get warmed up.  It was a cold rain.  There was snow some places in the area that are at a higher elevation.  October 1st and snow.  Well, it has happened before.  I haven't seen any yet, though.

Yesterday, Sunday, I was so excited because my cousin-like-a-sister, Steph (aka  Tessy) moved home from Iowa.  She got home while we were still at Church so as soon as Church was over we went to my aunt's house.  I could not wait to see her and give her a big hug!  I haven't seen her since Christmas.

After we came home from Aunt Donna's I snuggled in my covers (still cold) and put the Steeler game on.  I kept dozing off and happily missed the end of the game where they lost  :((((  They are now 2-2 with lots of season left.  GO STEELERS!!!

Coffee Break last night at Church was nice.  Great fellowship and study.

We watched DVR'd episodes of X-Factor before bed.  I worked on etsy orders while we did.  Anybody else watching X-Factor?  What do you think?

Now it is Monday morning and I have so much to do today.  The house is trashed from the weekend, I have a pile of laundry to do, bills to write out and mail, banking to do, etc, etc, etc.  (a little tribute to "The King and I").

I best get to work on that "manageable" routine I was talking about at the beginning of the post.

Have a great Monday and a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your weekend was as busy as ours. I really enjoyed the story!!

    Note Cards and Photos by Theresa


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