
Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekly Diary ~ 10/10/11

Wow!  What a week!

There was the normal hecticness (word?) of housework, kids, etsy orders etc.  The "manageable" routine has been coming along bit by bit.

Wednesday afternoon my mom, Aunt Donna, Steph and I left for a 3 hour drive to my cousin Eric's house in Virginia.  We stayed the night and then got up early Thursday to go the hospital with him for a biopsy he had to have done.  All went well and he is now waiting for the results.  Please say a prayer that all comes back well!

We got back Thursday evening and I had to make a Wal-Mart run for a ton of yarn for a huge etsy order from a vendor.  I had to pull my mom (she's the one who taught me how to crochet) in to help out on that one.  I was one tired girl by the time I got home.

By Friday, I had caught my oldest daughters virus.  yay...  I didn't feel too bad but I could tell it was coming on.  By Saturday, I was spending most of the time on the couch.  If I walked around too much the rubber legs/body would start.  I kept up with a steady stream of hot tea and Dayquil. 

I did manage to get a lot of crocheting done while on the couch and watched the entire season one of Sherlock Holmes on Netflix.  I then found out that season 2 doesn't come out until the beginning of next year.  bummer.  What a cliff-hanger!

Doug cooked and did dishes and took care of the kids' needs so I could "be sick in peace".  lol  He's such a good man.

By yesterday, Sunday, I was feeling a good bit better and made it through Sunday School and Church.  I got home and thought I'd watch the Steeler game but by the 2nd quarter I knew it wasn't going to happen.  I couldn't keep my eyes open!  They were winning and looking pretty good so I crawled into bed for a nice Sunday Afternoon Nap.

We studied Daniel 4 at Coffee Break.  Steph reminded me that there is a Veggie Tale movie about it.  I remember when we used to get every Veggie Tale movie that came out.  We are way behind.  I'm sure there are a ton of new ones that we haven't seen.

So now, it is once again Monday morning (hey, it isn't noon yet!) and I have cleaning to get done.  And laundry.  Always laundry.  And it won't get done by itself :(  Wouldn't that be nice?  Better get to it!
Have a great Monday and a great week!

1 comment:

  1. We just watched Sherlock too, wasn't it great? I have a little crush on Watson. :)

    I hope you have a nice, calm and healthy week.


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